So while talking about stuff that went on around us before coming to college, and then came a story about a girl being caught with a love letter she wanted to give to a guy. Nothing very surprising about this. Apart from the fact that it was from the girl to the guy. And another interesting thing. It was supposedly a 23 page love letter. Ya 23 pages! now dats a love letter. i have even seen smaller novels than that. In fact maybe even smaller research papers. Anyway, so i said to him "how hard could it be?" I mean i could write a 25 page love letter. The love part doesn't even exist any way. It just needs to be a long thing about anything, i mean love is blind right. He /she can't even read it anyway. But then it struk me, he/she need not show it around. But i have to. So I thought mine needs to be less blinding. People should be able to say "Oooh! so sweet", or atleast "not me but ya some girl might accept it as a love letter".
Before I begin, what the hell was she thinking? we struggle to write 2 pages about the history of the Mughal empire and have to resort to writing some other stuff in between. And mind you this empire lasted around 2 centuries.
O.K any way i took up this task upon myself. It was all fine when I sat down to write it, apart from the fact that i wasn't in love with anyone, and that my end sems were coming (actually dat doesn't count actually maybe), and the fact that it was almost boring even thinking about the prospect of a 25 page whatever. But, shying from a challenge?? Not in our clan or wat ever that stuff is supposed to be about. The problem was what do they usually write about? Almost immediately i found an answer. I told myself "Just put yourself in his/her place". Ufff..... Ofcourse, Brilliant!!!.
But then, disaster. It only made my situation worse. I tried living their day, in my mind obviously. And it made things worse. They talk for a few hours on the phone, don't know what (can't even imagine), when they are apart, in space i mean , obviously.
What is left to write about? Now 23 pages!!!
I could increase the font......
NOno its not fair. she wro....
Everything is fair in love and war...... right?
Maybe not, and this isn't even love, u took a challenge and are finding ways out of it...
Alright let me begin......
You know what........... forget it.. I don't have all the time in this world. And surely not to this. And a correction, it seems it was 43 pages.
And a new possibility has risen. maybe it was a some sort of collection or something....43 pages OJAR.....Imagine it were true and you were on the receiving end.....OOooooooo you had a hell of a viva coming along the next day......and no excuses are going to be accepted.... He must be happy she got caught. No viva and still has the girl..........Cool man, whom did u pray to that day???
Of course everything happens for our good. They would have started hating each other if the letter had come through. Bad viva = no love right.....I am happy for you man whoever you are.....
Thank god for me. No viva and my phone bills O.K. And my note book still have empty paper in them, many blank pages actually. Where are all my notes??Is this all i have written this semester in all those classes? O.K then emergency!!!, got go and fix my notes and other things for my end sems.